郑州景观设计万科城中央广场 来源:一树山国际 商务咨询:18958091967
项目位置:中国郑州 星光广场延续了万科城销售广场的景观语言,但星光广场承载了未来多期高密度住宅开发对活动空间和商业空间的需求。既要不对商业空间进行遮挡的同时,也要促进商业活动,并且让整个广场成为一个能留得住人的趣味空间。 The central plaza continues the language of the front plaza, yet carries high demand of activity and commercial spaces for the future residents. We design it to be not only a plaza that allows for commercial events, but an interesting space that keep people stay and play. 中国的商业广场与西方的商业广场有一定的区别,西方人喜欢享受“看与被看”的过程,陌生人很容易在一个大空间(比如说大草坪,商业外摆空间)产生交流。中国人则比较内敛,必须要有主题鲜明的Program(活动内容)才能聚人气,尤其对社区广场而言。而且鼓励中国人到户外的唯一可能性是参与儿童的活动,组织好儿童的活动空间,则非常容易带来人气。 There is major difference between public spaces in western countries and in China. Westerners start communication easily in public, even in passive programs such as lawn or alfresco space. Chinese are introverted, people gather for active programs. And Children's / teenagers' playground is among the most attractive programs that can bring people to the public space. 旱喷广场,喷雾石阵,奔跑的长凳,儿童攀岩墙,儿童下沉活动场,甚至轮滑广场,为各个年龄段的儿童/青少年提供了多样的program。每个program各自独立,互不干扰,观赏休憩区则鼓励家长们的交流和互动。星光大道把这些program一个一个串联起来,两侧的蒲公英灯和地面的灯互相辉映, 增加广场的趣味性,同时也把人们引向即将开业的商业斜街。 We design a wide range of program for different age group, including Dry Fountain, Mist Garden, the Runway, Children's Climbing wall, Sunken Playground and Sunken Skating Ring. These independent programs and the surrounding seating areas encourage the see-and-to-be-seen interaction. The environmental friendly resin-bound star promenade connects all these program and lead people to the future diagonal commercial street. 北侧商业街则分割成了四块木平台,每个平台前面都有形态各异的水景,外摆空间也营造各具特色而又统一的外摆空间,使整个商业空间充满气氛。 在未来的许多年,星光广场将会伴随着万科城的成长,将成为城市肌理和城市记忆的重要节点。 As the population of Vanke City is growing rapidly, Central Plaza will become the most memorable node for the residents in the region. 一树山国际有着近30年设计经验的多元化的国际景观规划设计公司。专业提供景观设计、旅游规划、建筑设计、园林景观设计、公园设计、城市规划以及地产咨询的国际知名设计机构。于2004在国内香港,杭州, 上海, 南京, 济南, 合肥, 长春, 郑州, 长沙, 南昌 等地设立景观设计公司,旅游规划设计公司,建筑设计公司. |
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